Friday, September 15, 2006

First pulse - learn why

This is it.
My first sign of blog life.

After reading blogs regularly for over a year, lurking and not adding one comment, why now and how?

My hope is that this will be a constructive (ist?) learning experience.

What prompted this was Stewart Mader's forward posting of Jason Kotke's post "How I blog" where he comments on Seth Godin's "What makes an idea viral?" . It made me think of business plans or the business case approach to taking on a project.

For an idea to spread, it needs to be sent and received. No one “sends” an idea unless:
a. they understand it -
b. they want it to spread
c. they believe that spreading it will enhance their power (reputation, income, friendships) or their peace of mind
d. the effort necessary to send the idea is less than the benefits No one “gets” an idea unless:
a. the first impression demands further investigation
b. they already understand the foundation ideas necessary to get the new idea
c. they trust or respect the sender enough to invest the timeI will aspire to,
send ideas:
a. contribute to the limit of my understanding
b. share what will be useful to others as
c. their interests and academic disciplines overlap mine so that we can colaboratively gain understanding and new ideas
d. try to make this an offshoot of my current work

be useful
a. illustrate Gagn'es 9 events of instruction and other instructional design theory in plain English - occasionally French and Spanish, too .
b. qualify what I think I understand
c. list my academic references

This blog can be viable if it is something new, improved, convenient, and high quality(Complete Idiot's Guide to Business Plans?).

Here is are some word associations with learning: activities, cases, cultures, domains, anytime-anywhere, institutional, language lifelong, mobile, models, opportunities, techniques, technology, waves

Here are some sources for content: work (health sciences, distributed learning, faculty training, technology), passtimes (commuting, culture, language, visuals, wit)


At 12:09 PM , Blogger Jenn said...

Thought you'd would have entitled your blog 'Brain Power.' Look forward to reading your postings.

At 1:47 PM , Blogger Brian said...

Thanks for being the first to comment. I already use up my brain power at work.


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